Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So I haven't done a review in a long time (in internet time), so I'm going to write very short reviews for some of the movies I've seen in my absence. The movies have been seen within this time, so... yeah, mind the disclaimer.

Tangled: Rapunzel lives life and it is an awesomely beautiful metaphor for virginity  4.5/5
The Kids are All Right: Kids find donor dad and it is a very feminine story about lesbians and love. 4/5
The Room: The worst fucking  movie ever. Very little entertainment value until late in the film. 0.2/5
Sucker Punch: Girl goes to asylum and it is a feast for the eyes that leaves your mind starving. 3/5

God Damn it, there are alot of other ones that completely escape me.
Still, I will be continuing soon.
Majority of my time has been consumed by working on some sets and getting sucked in by My Little Pony.


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